Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Getting some me time..

Both of my kiddos started school this week. I now have a 2nd grader & kindergarten. I have had more alone time this past week than I have in nearly 8 years.
I think the hubby is liking it the house is slowly getting cleaner each day. It's even staying like I put it with no helpers following me around. I'm even thinking of repainting the kids rooms.
I have signed up for the PTO something that if you'd known me 15 years ago you'd have laughed for days at even the thought of. Sad but true. I was a bad bad girl in my pre-mommy days.
I've decided to try & post something every day on this blog now that I do have time. If nothing else to help preserve the memories of days that I will surely get too busy to remember in the future.

If you're following along lets see where we end up at.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Playtex Secrets Bra get the Bzz..

                                                           My Newest Bzz Campaign

  I was so excited to get this campaign. I Love being a BzzAgent. I get to try awesome products & talk about them. What more could a girl like me want. I am the class mom in one kiddos class & on the PTO at my others school so I always have plenty of other people to talk about.
   I am always switching brands trying to find something that is comfortable & does it jobs.
  Well I believe I have found the bra!! I'm in love with my Playtex Secrets Bra. The wide straps stay put & doesn't cut into your shoulders while doing so. The cup size fits perfectly. The shape is smooth & natural looking under your shirt. I've worn it with tee's, dressy tops & a satin dress no issues. The fabric is smooth & the color I got nude can be worn with anything.
  There are other colors available. The price is something I can live with too. Knowing that this is a great Bra I have no issues paying $37 for it.
   Being a bigger girl I love the wide side straps & triple hooks on the fastener. I've not had any problems with the side rolling up or bulging on the sides. I am very happy with my Playtex Secrets Bra.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mom has Crohn's

What a day.. 
So for the last 3 months or so I have been helping out on a Facebook page Crohn's Moms. After a short time off the page owner came back and put the focus on the funny side & off of what it was becoming. But then out of no where she also with out a word removed me from the page. No thank you, no f**k off not a word.. It pissed me off but what else could I expect out of her.
So today I started a new Facebook page-like we need another- for Crohn's. Mom has Crohn's I hope that we can get enough likes to be ab;e to help and support each other the way we had been doing. 
That's my thing it always has been helping people I don't know but I get happy when someone gets the support or answers to something. No matter how trivial it may seem to others it could mean the world. 

So if your seeing this... Come like the new page  Mom has Crohn's I hope we can help you, give you a MUCH needed laugh.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day Mommy Style

                          Oh Valentines Day  I hate you! Let me count the ways!

  1. tearing the kids cards apart
  2. the little stickers/tattoos yeah they suck too
  3. the treat bags
  4. the annoying room mom & her damn notes
  5. The annoying room mom with her super cute & crafty snacks
  6. Oh did I mention the ANNOYING ROOM MOM..
  7. Having to send overpriced balloons to your 7 yr old because all the other mom's are
  8. The agony fun of watching your kid filing out all 23 cards  
  9. Your choice
  10. The stress of Valentines with a 5 & 7 year old who for some reason think that a fairy-cupid is going to bring us treat, hang hearts on our house and presents too.
Let me tell you they were let down. Yes we bought them both a balloon, a small toy and 2 new outfits, yes our kiddos are spoiled. My little princess even got a single red rose from daddy. But you know what I may bitch & complain about it but the excitement that comes of my babies on a holiday make all the crazy before hand so worth it.

For me the yearly dozen roses, box of cookies and dinner out at our favorite Mexican place. My hubby got an amazing home made pie. We have somehow let the holiday of lovers turn into another kid day..

Friday, February 8, 2013

Crohn's Happens Continued..

So back to where I left off. My appendix ruptured while I was being admitted for emergency surgery. So I spent 9 days in the hospital recovering from the horror of it all. With a 3 month old baby at home.
Not one mention from the surgeon about Crohn's he did tell me that the entire area around my appendix was very inflamed. Yeah no shit...

So a few more months went by and the pains were back what the hell. So I went back to my doctor this time she was concerned again and sent me in for a ct-scan of my abdomen. Thank God! Her nurse called me the same day and asked if I could come in to the office. My doctor who I love! Was a little worried looking as she began to tell me what she had seen. As soon as the words Crohn's came out I was relieved-freaked the hell out but relief. I quickly told her about my family history of the disease and all about the issues I had in high school with my stomach and weight loss..

I was in Indianapolis at IU Health getting my 1st colonoscopy with in the week. My mom took me she was so freaked out about the whole thing. Again I got lucky my Dr was very knowledgeable and started me on treatment the same day. It was quite a shock to be suddenly taking hand fulls of pills several times a day. While caring for a young baby. My face swelled up like a moon I gained back about 20 pounds of just lost baby weight from the prednisone & became a raving maniac. Thankfully my doctor worked with me & we found an easier treatment plan that worked for a year. Until I was back in the hospital again.

All was good then I surprisingly found out I was pregnant with our second child. Shit. I stopped taking all my meds for Crohn's against doctors advice. I could not take the risk for my baby. I was so lucky half way into the 2nd trimester I felt AMAZING!! All was good until about 3 months after my baby girl was born.

I again was in the hospital on Valentines day having a emergency surgery for a staph infection in my boob. WTH.. This set my Crohn's into major flare up.

Then came in the big guns Remicaid.. Not only did the infusions take hours to do I had to travel 2 1/2 hours each way to get the treatments.. Give me a break. These left me so tired I would come home and sleep for 2 days thank god for my mom and husband. I was on this for over a year with my CD only getting worse. At the end of the year I had another scope & was told I would need a resection asap.. Shit shit....

Then came the bomb! Our baby girl was diagnosed with a large golf ball size tumor on her skull. We were all consumed with her health for the next 3 years. I put my surgery off no meds my insurance was cancelled. Life got crazy real quick.

Finally just this past summer 2012 I was able to get medical coverage. Thank god! I got back in with a Gastro doctor closer to home only an hour drive. He has been great I started taking a lot of vitamins and Cimzia. So far things are going OK  My most recent scope showed the same areas of inflammation as before with an inflamed colon. But things are going OK.

What more can you ask for. In our family of 4 we have 3 rare diseases. So calm is great for us. As we continue to live our lives. 

Stay around for more storied from a Crohn's mom! 

Remember if you see this check us out on Facebook Crohn's Moms!! An awesome support system for Crohn's!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Crohn's Happens..

So as mentioned in my title I have Crohn's Disease. It SUCKS!! For the past 8 months or so I have been horribly sick. Every day constant pain endless trips to the bathroom. Countless hours on the couch or in bed with a heating pad.

So as you can imagine life gets miserable pretty quick. You can't go much of anywhere because you just never know when your next race to the bathroom will be. Many days your so exhausted you don't even feel like moving let alone talking to anyone. So of course depression is a major factor in Crohn's Disease(CD). Which hit me hard this fall. After changing some medications & adding a new one for my CD. Finally I feel like the fog is lifting off of me.

I also have been taking part in a Facebook page Crohn's Moms it's an AMAZING group of fellow Crohnies who are very supportive a little sick humor and lots of knowledge. I am proud to be a part of this group so if you see this YOU should check us out!

I was diagnosed with CD after the birth of my son in May 2005. Although I had symptoms as far back as 1996. During my pregnancy I had almost daily pain in my lower right side and seemed to be using the bathroom to poo often. It would come & go sometimes worse than others. It was all brushed off as pregnancy pains.

Then by chance at a follow up appointment from me having the flu and as she was leaving the room my doctor asked if there was anything else. On the way to her office I started having the pains once again. So she told me to keep track of my symptoms and we'd follow up in a few weeks.

Oh no my CD had other plans my appendix decided to burst and I needed emergency surgery.. To be continued.............